
Hi! I'm Jacky Figueroa. I am the wife of the most amazing man in the world, Tony Figueroa, and mom of 3 princesses. I am a homeschool mom and seamstress. I have always had my hands busy with a craft or playing with kids. So, it came natural to start a business of two of my favorite things in the world, kids and crafts.
Sweet Fig Boutique started as Fig Creations, a little store where I sold beautiful handmade fabric dolls and bows. My first dolls were made for my beautiful three girls and my friends. After sharing the dolls I made for my girls and sell a some of them to friends and neighbors, I found myself getting attracted to fun clothes and accessories for kids. That's how we evolve from a handmade store to a boutique.
I love to see kids playing with toys that encourage their imagination. We strive to put out products that helps your kids use their beautiful imagination and short the screen time, from jewelry to clothes to toys.
I hope you like them and share them with every kid around you.
Thank you for visiting our shop! Have a bless day!

Jacky Figueroa - Founder (seamstress and creative artist)
Tony Figueroa - Co-founder (website tech and idea man)
The Figueroa girls - Creative artists and packaging helpers